sunnuntaina, maaliskuuta 28

Huutiksessa Tigin hiustuotteita

Mallikeikalta tulleet shampoo ja hoitis meni Huutonetiin myyntiin kun itse käytän Oatmeal&Honey'a.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Never heard of this brand. Is it good? My hair needs some volume.

    B* a la Moda

  2. This brand Tigi has a lot of cool stuff and most of their products have a strong scent. You may know BedHead, S-Factor or Rockaholic? Those are also Tigi brands. Check them out at!
    I'm trying to get rid of this combo (in the online store) because I use Bedhead Oatmeal shampoo which doesn't contain silicone. So I don't know about these, although they did use it while I was modelling for Tigi a few weeks ago.


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