¡Gracias B* a la moda que me inspira tanto! Me encanta sus videos porque puedo practicar la lengua con la terminología interesante y me gusta mucho su estilo y sus ideas de los conjuntos variados tambien. No requiero sus confeciones pero espero que tuviera tan maravillosas fuentes de inspiración y alegría como yo. Y naturalmente puede dar este premio a estas tambien. I'd like to hand an award to B* a la moda because I really like her videos which enable me to practice the language the most interesting way. I also like her styling ideas and the whole concept of the blog a lot. I require no confessions, but I do hope she has equally wonderful sources of joy and inspiration. And by all means she can pass it on as well. Haluaisin ojentaa Suvi Awardin B* a la moda -blogille, joka inspiroi mua sekä kielenopiskeluun, että tarjoilee vähän erilaisen blogikonseptin ja kivoja asuyhdistelmiä. Palkinto ei siis edellytä mitään toimenpiteitä, mutta toivon, että sen saajalla olisi yhtä ihania ilon ja inspiraationlähteitä kuin mulla ja sen saa kaikin mokomin jakaa eteenpäinkin.
Hello girl!! Sorry for this late response. I wrote down that you game me the award when you commented on my blog but then I forgot to stop by. Sorry!!!! I will post it tomorrow. Thanks for your words. All my best. xoxo B* a la Moda
Kiitos ystävällisistä sanoistasi, idoistasi, mielipiteistäsi, ehdotuksistasi... tulen niistä tosi iloiseksi! Thank you for your kind words, ideas, opinions, suggestions... they make me really happy!
Hello darling - hope you're having a great week! Love you in skirts by the way xx
VastaaPoistaThank you sweetie!
VastaaPoistaI just got back from the gym and suddenly my week is great again!
I'm working on a couple of skirts (really comfy ones), hoping to be able to present them soon :D
Hello girl!! Sorry for this late response. I wrote down that you game me the award when you commented on my blog but then I forgot to stop by. Sorry!!!! I will post it tomorrow. Thanks for your words. All my best.
B* a la Moda
^that's okay. I'm just really glad to hear that you'll exept it after all!